By Will Davis
This year (2010) has been a challenging but very exciting time for the Chesterfield Economic Development Department. In a recovering economy, our team has worked hard to capture a wide variety of new business projects. These projects will generate jobs and investment in our community that will help improve the business climate for everyone.
We were delighted that DuPont announced it will build its new $20 million manufacturing facility for Energain Separators right here in Chesterfield. These nanofiber-based separators will help generate more power and longer battery life for hybrid and electric vehicles. This project is a perfect example of a “green” industry, which is an important component of our advanced manufacturing target-marketing program.
DuPont could have chosen to build this new operation in any number of other localities. Due to the nature of the operation, competition among communities to land the project was fierce. But DuPont picked Chesterfield because of the tremendous local work force and the success it has achieved at its other Chesterfield operations.
Austin Brockenbrough & Associates also recently expanded into new offices at the Boulders. This expansion resulted in a $700,000 investment and the creation of 11 new jobs. The Brockenbrough office is the first “green” certified interior design in the Greater Richmond region and the only private sector interior design project in Chesterfield County to earn the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Commercial Interiors (LEED CI) certification. This investment reflects Brockenbrough’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability.
However, recruiting new business and assisting existing businesses is not enough. The biggest job creators in the county are small businesses. So we are making it easier for entrepreneurs to start and grow new businesses in Chesterfield.
In September, Chesterfield Economic Development and the Chesterfield County Public Library partnered to launch the new small business initiative, “My Business Starts Here.” Local business operators now have an easier, more comprehensive way to get the information and support they need when starting or sustaining a small business. A new web portal, www.MyBusinessStartsHere.com, helps potential entrepreneurs and existing small businesses navigate the abundant resources available. Users can be guided, step-by-step, through the process of starting a business, zero in on industry specific requirements, ask specific questions about doing business in the county, get guidance about regulations or county processes or identify potential sources of capital.
The Chesterfield County Public Library’s new Small Business Resource Center is designed with the small-business operator’s needs in mind. The center can be used as a second office, a meeting place, a staff- training facility or a research lab. Desktops, laptops, current books and magazines and a variety of small-business tools are available – guided, step-by-step, through the process of starting a business, zero in on industry specific requirements, ask specific questions about doing business in the county, get guidance about regulations or county processes or identify potential sources of capital.
The Chesterfield County Public Library’s new Small Business Resource Center is designed with the small-business operator’s needs in mind. The center can be used as a second office, a meeting place, a staff- training facility or a research lab. Desktops, laptops, current books and magazines and a variety of small-business tools are available – all free of charge. Users can also receive one- on-one assistance from professional librarians or economic development staff. The first Small Business Resource Center opened within the Meadowdale Library branch but future plans include additional centers in other libraries and locations throughout Chesterfield County.
We are beginning to see hopeful signs of recovery in our local economy. With the expansion and growth of our existing businesses and an easier path to starting a business, business really does start and grow in Chesterfield County!
This article originally appeared in www.chesterfieldobserver.com .